I did the talk, so here is the walk. A little overview of my new place, compared to the old one, since I’ve never bothered to publish pics of the old place.
Let’s start with the most important part upfront. My bedroom:
Secondly, the kitchen and eveything that surrounds it:
Never forget to brush your teeth after dinner, hence have a look at the bathroom:
And last but not least, something I didn’t have at the old place. A fucking living room. Hell yeah:
I will show you the swimming pool and such stuff the next time. I can’t enter the facilities after 10pm and I was a little bit late today. But I will bring you more pics quite soon.
Ja servus. Sehr schön deine neue Bleibe.
Brauchtest mal wieder eine Ortsveränderung oder wie?
Viel Spass beim Wandern und Glückwunsch zum gelungenen Facebook-Entzug.